Community Service
Seaside Quilters Guild supports giving back to our community. Our two main philanthropic endeavors are Project Linus and CCSA. We have generous support by our members for both of these projects during the year. Project Linus has donated fabrics which are used by our members most commonly, to create lap size quilts. CCSA donations are made at our monthly meetings. In addition, during our December meeting, we support a nonprofit organization, “Christmas for Kids”, which supplies bicycles as well as gifts of toys, books, and games to deserving families.
Project Linus
Project Linus is the main focus of Guild’s philanthropy. Project Linus provides handmade blankets to children 0-18 in the United States who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. Over 9 million have been given nationwide since 1995. Seaside Quilters donate 300-400 quilts a year. The local Project Linus San Diego Chapter donates quilts to Rady Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House and neonatal intensive care units at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital and the UC San Diego Medical Center. They go to Becky’s House, the San Diego Family Justice Center and the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office Youth and Family Services. They go to infants and teens and every age in between.
See for more information about this wonderful organization.
Our members contribute by doing one of the steps in making a quilt or by making the entire quilt from start to finish. There are pre-cut kits available or members use their personal stash of fabrics. Workshops are held the first Monday and the third Tuesday of the month from 10:30am to approximately 2:00pm. Bring your own lunch.
Community Christian Service Agency (CSSA)
Seaside Quilt Guild proudly supports and contributes items to the CCSA organization as part of their philanthropy projects. Founded in 1972 the Community Christian Service Agency (CCSA) has been providing transitional and emergency help and assistance to people in the immediate community (locally Pacific Beach and Clairemont) through provisions of food, clothing, hygiene products, and transportation assistance (Day passes) to those in need. In addition, new mothers can obtain layettes and other baby items. CCSA partners with the San Diego Food Bank as well as Feeding San Diego.
Special annual drives include Back-To-School backpacks with school supplies, and meals at holidays, Christmas family, and meal baskets. CCSA also provides help for clients who need to obtain birth certificates, ID Cards, and other documents from the respective agencies. Counseling and resource information are also offered.
Hundreds are helped every month through the donations of Seaside Quilt Guild as well as many other personal donations and those from local churches, and businesses.
CCSA Clairemont Service Center
4167 Rappahannock Ave
San Diego, CA 92117
(858) 274-2273
Client Service Hours: M-F 9:30am – 4:00 pm